Monday, November 26, 2012


Thanksgiving weekend we went to Vienna. We saw some horses dance at a spanish horse school. One performance they brought out horses that went on their hind legs and some of them jumped up and clicked their heels!!! My mom said when they move sideways it's cool.

We also saw a Christmas Market. It was my very first one!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Last week my family and I went to Italy.  First we went to CinqueTerre.  CinqueTerre means "Five Lands" in Italian, because there are five towns close to each other.

My favorite town was Manarola.  We got to hike up a lot of steps.  We went with my Dad's college friends Patricia and Michelle.  I liked playing 'Liar Liar' and 'Rich Man Poor Man' (card games) with them.  I liked riding the Ferry too.  We walked along the beach and I picked up some colorful rocks.  I got to bring two home.  They were actually green glass that had been smoothed by the ocean and was specked with white.

After CinqueTerre we went to Florence.  First we went to our hotel which is really close to the train station, then we looked at the swimming pool on the roof.  After that we went exploring and we climbed up the Duomo (dwo' mo).  Then we shopped around and I got a marionette.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

After School

I do three after school activities.

On Monday I have Environmental Team.  We get to go into a garden that is on the grounds of MIS and see a bunch of fruits and vegetables.  We just look around but I haven't really learned much.

On Tuesday I ride the regular school bus.  When I get home I try to do my homework before dinner.

On Wednesday I have Tennis.  I learned how to hit with a one hand forehand.  My friend Zara is in the same class.  I like Tennis better than Environmental Team.

On Thursday I do Ceramics.  We already made two projects and one was a funny monster.  Zara is in ceramics too.  I like Ceramics better than both Tennis and Environmental Team.

On Friday I ride the normal bus home.  Me and my parents usually go out to eat on Friday night.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

German words

What I Learned In German Class:
  1. Guten Tag (good day)
  2. Hallo (hello)
  3. Ich heisse... (my name is ...)
  4. Wie heisst du? ( What is your name?)
  5. heute (today)
  6. rechts (right)
  7. links (left)
  8. Platz (place or seat)
  9. Leer (empty)
  10. das Mädchen (girl)
  11. der Junge (boy)
  12. mein (my)
  13. nein (no)
  14. ich (I)
  15. du (you)
  16. Hallo woher kommst du? (Hello where do you come from?)
  17. Ich komme aus... (I come from...)
  18. Hallo wie geht es dir? (Hello how are you?)
  19. Mir geht's gut und dir? (I am fine and you?)

Monday, August 20, 2012


Today I saw my new teacher at MIS! She looks so nice! Her name is Ms. Blas! I made a new friend at my new school! She is not in my class though. We said we would met at the swings at recess. Plus she rides on the same train as me to get to the bus! We also shared my kindle on the bus and train too. I read a page then she did. I forgot her name. We ate lunch at the cafeteria then got my PE uniform and my school supplies. Then I went upstairs and put it in my locker, 141.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


One weekend I went to Salzburg with my Mom and Dad.  I went to Nonnburg where Maria (the lead person in The Sound of Music) was a nun and we saw the outside.  It was so pretty at the top but you had to climb a billion stairs.  I also got to see the Trapp Family house, the gazebo (where 'I am 16 going on 17' was filmed), and the river where they fell in the water.  My favorite part was the Do Re Me steps.

Our hotel was by a marionette theater with puppets and we got to see the show 'The Magic Flute'.

We also went to the trick fountains of Hellbrunn.  And we got to see the place where the archbishop, when he was sitting at the table with his guests, when the guests got drunk there was a fountain built into their seat so he turned on the fountain (every seat except his).  And the fountains were actually still working so we got a little bit wet.  And my Dad was leaning over to look at one of the seats when the tour guide switched it on and I could tell cause on his glasses he had little drops of water :-)


Sunday, July 8, 2012

A day at Märchenwald

Today I went to an amusement park called Märchenwald.  I went on a squirrel ride with my dad about 15,000 times.  There was also this astronaut ride where you pushed this green button and you turn like you are rolling and you go upside down.

I had a really really really really good time.

That's it for now...

--Isabelle Rugg

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hi everyone,

I love Germany! I also found a park near my apartment! Sorry I am going so fast! I'm just excited!  I now live in an apartment in Munich and it is really big.  The dining room is about as big as my room, my mom and dad's room, and both bathrooms all together.  There are really pretty rooms.

There is a 10 minute walk to a really cool zoo that me and my mom went to.  It is really really really really really big.  There are even kangaroos (but they weren't jumping when we were there).

By Isabelle Rugg