Sunday, September 16, 2012

After School

I do three after school activities.

On Monday I have Environmental Team.  We get to go into a garden that is on the grounds of MIS and see a bunch of fruits and vegetables.  We just look around but I haven't really learned much.

On Tuesday I ride the regular school bus.  When I get home I try to do my homework before dinner.

On Wednesday I have Tennis.  I learned how to hit with a one hand forehand.  My friend Zara is in the same class.  I like Tennis better than Environmental Team.

On Thursday I do Ceramics.  We already made two projects and one was a funny monster.  Zara is in ceramics too.  I like Ceramics better than both Tennis and Environmental Team.

On Friday I ride the normal bus home.  Me and my parents usually go out to eat on Friday night.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

German words

What I Learned In German Class:
  1. Guten Tag (good day)
  2. Hallo (hello)
  3. Ich heisse... (my name is ...)
  4. Wie heisst du? ( What is your name?)
  5. heute (today)
  6. rechts (right)
  7. links (left)
  8. Platz (place or seat)
  9. Leer (empty)
  10. das Mädchen (girl)
  11. der Junge (boy)
  12. mein (my)
  13. nein (no)
  14. ich (I)
  15. du (you)
  16. Hallo woher kommst du? (Hello where do you come from?)
  17. Ich komme aus... (I come from...)
  18. Hallo wie geht es dir? (Hello how are you?)
  19. Mir geht's gut und dir? (I am fine and you?)