Sunday, March 10, 2013


Sun watcher flower

Hello!  You will be learning about sun watchers.  Other ways to cal it is yellow poppies or Arctic poppies.  They usually are yellow and shaped like satalight dishes.  They are about one gram and are yellow.  It adapts by turning so the heat from the sun warms it's middle.  It takes a summer to grow, but they only live for a summer!  Yellow poppies adapt to the tundras by staying near to the ground so there is less wind and more heat.  It sort of eats the sun but animals can't eat it because it's a little bit poisonous, which also helps it survive in the tundra.  Now you know all about sun watchers!

Tundra climate

What is a tundra?  A trundra is a treeless, mostly flat place.  Some tundras have mountains and are quite rocky.  Tundras are found in northern North America and northern Europe.  In winter, the temperature is -37 degrees farrenheit (-37 degrees celsius) or lower.  In summer the tempature is 50 degrees farrenheit (3 degrees celsius).  Rainfall can be 6-10 inches a year, including melted snow.  That's why the climate is so dry.  The sun in summer shines almost all day.

Snowy Owl Animal

Hello!  I will be telling you about the snowy own in the tundra.  The snowy owl is a bird that is a carnivore and eats small mammals such as lemmings.  They lay three-eleven eggs that wolfs try to eat.  Snowy owls adapt tot the tundra by migrating to northern Europe, northern United States, and northern islands.  They also adapt by using their snowy white feathers to blend in the snow.  The snowy owl is not even close to being endangered.  The snowy owl has kenn eyesight and great hearing to hear and hunt other animals.  Snowy owls travel day and night to hunt, maybe while the pray is fast asleep!


Hello!  you will be learning about the threats of a tundra.  The food chain goes in a circle.  When the animals at the top of the chain die, decomposers turn them into soil so the plants can grow and start the chain again.  A threat of the tundra is carbon dioxide.  Carbon dioxide is NOT letting head out fo the earth.  Scientists are seeing what they can do to help the tundra.  They are banning commercial fishing and exploration.  Now you know the threats of the tundra.

This is A food chain of the tundra.  The vole eats the seeds, then the Arctic Fox eats the vole, then the wolf eats the Arctic Fox then the decomposers made the wolf into soil.

Focussing on Wildlife - Snowy Owls | Whales Worldwide
Y8 Geography: Images of Tundra in Alaska
Tundra by Peter Benoit
Arctic tundra and polar deserts by Chris Woodford
also and
What are some pretty yellow flowers???

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